What Is Revival?

"Restore us O Lord, God of hosts! Let your face shine, that we may be saved!"
Psalm 80:19
Psalm 80:19
Just the word itself may evoke memories of hot summer nights under a tent listening to a traveling evangelist with a booming voice.
We've been hearing alot about revival lately, in no small part to what is happening on a college campus. So, you might be wondering, just exactly what is revival? Is it a church meeting? Do I need to visit that college campus to experience revival myself?
Revival can be an event. But true revival doesn’t happen in a tent, on a college campus, in a church building or even in a pew.
True revival happens in our heart.
Revival begins with you and with me. It spreads through our homes, then within our churches, then out into our communities, throughout our cities and all across our nation. Hallelujah!
Yes, revival, that return to life, the restoration of God’s church, begins in our hearts.
The late theologian J.I. Packer described revival like this:
"Revival is God touching minds and hearts in an arresting, devastating, exalting way, to draw them to himself through working from the inside out rather than from the outside in. Revival is God accelerating, intensifying, and extending the work of grace that goes on in every Christian's life. Revival is the Holy Spirit sensitizing souls to divine realities and so generating deep-level responses to God in the form of faith and repentance, praise and prayer, love and joy, works of benevolence and service and initiatives of outreach and sharing."
Just the word itself may evoke memories of hot summer nights under a tent listening to a traveling evangelist with a booming voice.
We've been hearing alot about revival lately, in no small part to what is happening on a college campus. So, you might be wondering, just exactly what is revival? Is it a church meeting? Do I need to visit that college campus to experience revival myself?
Revival can be an event. But true revival doesn’t happen in a tent, on a college campus, in a church building or even in a pew.
True revival happens in our heart.
Revival begins with you and with me. It spreads through our homes, then within our churches, then out into our communities, throughout our cities and all across our nation. Hallelujah!
Yes, revival, that return to life, the restoration of God’s church, begins in our hearts.
The late theologian J.I. Packer described revival like this:
"Revival is God touching minds and hearts in an arresting, devastating, exalting way, to draw them to himself through working from the inside out rather than from the outside in. Revival is God accelerating, intensifying, and extending the work of grace that goes on in every Christian's life. Revival is the Holy Spirit sensitizing souls to divine realities and so generating deep-level responses to God in the form of faith and repentance, praise and prayer, love and joy, works of benevolence and service and initiatives of outreach and sharing."

How do we have revival?
In 2020 God began burning a message of revival on my heart, specifically, the desire He has for His people to return to Him. I was greatly convicted of the urgency of the call to revival for all Christians. A revival of the Christian family and of The Church.
Little did I know then what struggles and challenges the next few years would bring, not only to our nations, churches and families in general but also the spiritual attack which would take place inside the walls of my own home and within my heart.
There was only one solution for me and there remains only one solution for all... to have revival we must fervently seek God.
We are told in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” That seeking comes from spending time in His Word and in prayer.
Friend, you see, the formula for revival is you + God.
Yes, that can happen during a church service, it can happen in the school chapel, it can happen at the altar of a temple, but it can also happen at the side of your bed, on the bathroom floor or anywhere else. Your physical location is not what brings revival, the spiritual position of your heart is what opens the door for God to bring revival to your life. You do not go to revival, God brings revival to you.
In 2020 God began burning a message of revival on my heart, specifically, the desire He has for His people to return to Him. I was greatly convicted of the urgency of the call to revival for all Christians. A revival of the Christian family and of The Church.
Little did I know then what struggles and challenges the next few years would bring, not only to our nations, churches and families in general but also the spiritual attack which would take place inside the walls of my own home and within my heart.
There was only one solution for me and there remains only one solution for all... to have revival we must fervently seek God.
We are told in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” That seeking comes from spending time in His Word and in prayer.
Friend, you see, the formula for revival is you + God.
Yes, that can happen during a church service, it can happen in the school chapel, it can happen at the altar of a temple, but it can also happen at the side of your bed, on the bathroom floor or anywhere else. Your physical location is not what brings revival, the spiritual position of your heart is what opens the door for God to bring revival to your life. You do not go to revival, God brings revival to you.

My own personal seeking has been the catalyst for the Praying For Revival prayer journal.
40 days of reading God’s Word
40 days of meeting with God in Prayer
40 days of listening to God speak
40 days of journaling our prayers and God’s responses
40 Days of Praying for Revival
40 days of reading God’s Word
40 days of meeting with God in Prayer
40 days of listening to God speak
40 days of journaling our prayers and God’s responses
40 Days of Praying for Revival
I admit, this type of daily habit is a challenge for me. I’m not much of a routine person. As an artist it can be freeing, but when it comes to developing habits, it can be difficult. So you see, I really just created the journal that I personally need. I have also invited several friends—friends I know are prayer warriors—to join me as we are Praying For Revival.
I would love for you to join us too. You will be a great encouragement for each of us, you see.
I would love for you to join us too. You will be a great encouragement for each of us, you see.
Together we can meet with God each day,
petition Him for Revival,
and encourage & support each other.
The idea of corporate prayer has fascinated me for awhile now. It was not our practice in the church I grew up in to recite prayer in unison. But just imagine how it must sound in heaven when God’s people unify in voice and in heart to petition God in unison! Oh the melody that must be.
That is my hope for us friends. That all across this nation, and across many more, our prayers for revival become a beautiful melody which fills the heavens and lights the flame of revival in hearts everywhere.
Will you join us?
Father God, we seek You for revival, true soul deep revival. We ask that during this time spent with You that You bring revival within our hearts, in our homes and families, within our churches, across our country, and all around the world. May you be glorified, Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Blessings Soul Friends,
Blessings Soul Friends,

Diving Deeper
- Download the free printable of daily prayer prompts and Scripture readings list.
- Follow Praying For Revival on Instagram and connect with us at 12:00 noon (CST) M-F to pray together.
- Invite a friend! Forward this blog post to a friend, several or even your Bible Study group!
You may also want to:
4. Order the Praying For Revival Prayer Journal to record your daily prayers for revival and enjoy encouraging devos.
5. Download the Revival themed journaling kit and cards from our Etsy Shoppe
Click on the image below to access all of our Praying For Revival Resources.
Jana Kennedy Spicer is a wife, mom and Nana. A born and raised Texas-girl who loves boots, sunflowers, and sweet tea. She has a heart for studying God's Word and is passionate about encouraging women to do the same. Connect with Jana at SweetToTheSoul.com

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